Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Jewish Heart for Africa

From time to time this blog will spotlight other organizations doing humanitarian work very in the spirit of Tikkun Olam. One such group is A Jewish Heart for Africa, an organization improving the lives of Africans through the implementation of electricity and agricultural technologies.

The majority of the small towns and villages throughout Africa do not have satisfactory connections to electricity grids, if at all. A Jewish Heart for Africa (AJHFA) decided to help alleviate this situation by installing solar panels to provide electricity to communities without connection to the primary electricity grids. While Africa lacks many things, one thing they have plenty of is sun. What makes A Jewish Heart for Africa unique is that they use Israeli solar panel companies equipment to bring power to these villages. To date AJHFA has provided over 100,000 people electricity that previously did not have it or only sporadically. This electricity is used to power schools, clinics, and homes.

Personally, it brings me a lot of pride as an Israeli to see technology developed in this country being used to help the less fortunate in Africa. I think AJHFA has a very similar mindset to that of LeadEarth as both organizations' goals are to improve the lives of the local populations they deal with.


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